Get a new perspective on IT processes

Take processes from bottleneck to value creation and innovation driving

Digital transformation is reshaping the role of enterprise IT. Whether it’s dealing with the latest cyber security threats or implementing emerging technologies, IT departments must adapt quickly to the latest developments.

Keeping pace with rapid change requires IT departments to optimise their processes to maximise efficiency and effectiveness.

IT leaders understand this, with 84% seeing processes as their greatest lever for value and fastest lever for change, according to our research. Just how many are actually using that lever to its full potential is, of course, another question.

Find out more

This report from Celonis gives you a new perspective on IT processes from over 300 IT leaders, including: 

  • 84% say processes are their greatest lever for value.
  • 81% say harnessing AI is driving the need to optimise processes in the next year.
  • 68% of those using AI fear process shortcomings may hold back AI efforts.

Dig into these results and more and learn how IT leaders are optimising processes. Find out what’s driving the need to optimise, the technologies IT are using, and the outcomes they’re seeing.

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